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Rock & Mineral Club

of Wyoming, Michigan

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Welcome to the Indian Mounds Rock & Mineral Club Bulletin Board.  

(Send club archive information to be posted here using the email address at the bottom of this page, or see me at a meeting).


Sign up for our club email group that has mostly replaced this Bulletin Board. 
By using the group email, you can contact or initiate conversations with your fellow members. It is easy to start some fun and informative dialogues. Not to mention the early notice of club events! The email group is also our preferred method of distributing the club bulletin/newsletter.
Please contact Kreigh if you need another invite to join the group (every new club member receives an invite as part of our membership process).
<kreigh at tomaszewski dot net>

We remember the following active club members who have been called home by our Lord.

Bob Allen

Bill Ammerman

Nancy Ammerman
Field Trip Chair 1977, 1978, 1979
Sgt. Arms 1977, 1978, 1979

LaDonna Austoff
Publicity Chair 2014-2022
Junior's Leader 2014-2016

Bob Beauvais
Vice President 1975
President 1981, 1982
Secretary 1995, 1996
Treasurer 1979
Board Member 1978, 1979,2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

Ruth Beauvais
Librarian 1983, 1984

Roy Beck
President 1999

Barbara Benjamin
President 1985, 1986
Vice President 1983, 1984
Secretary 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Treasurer 1981, 1982, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006

Edward Benjamin
Editor 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

Helen Bersma

Clarence Berndt
Editor 1978, 1979, 1980

Barb Bieszka

Crystal Boogaart

Peter Boogaart
Board Member 1997

Mabel Bowers

Willie Bradley

Eleanor Brummel

Harry Brummel
President 1977
Vice-President 1976
Board Member 1989

James Carper

Clara Casterline

Harold Casterline
Vice President 1965, 1966
Treasurer 1970

Don Crabbs

Leona Crabbs

Jack Cramer
Original President as the club was formed in 1964-5

Bill Debakeky

Julia Donker
Vice President 2012

Marie DuPrey
Librarian 1977

Ted DuPrey
President 1969

Art Ferguson
President 1980
Bulletin Editor 1981

Helen Gedritis

Ernie Gifford

Anna Gifford
Treasurer 1971, 1972

Leo Hoogerhyde

Roger Horvarter

Leon House
Treasurer 1978, 1979
Board Member 1981, 1982

Naida House
President 1989, 1990
Vice-President 1986, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2001
Secretary 1980, 1981, 1982, 1988
Treasurer 1995, 1996
Librarian 1978, 1979

Jim Irvine

Ken Jones

Jacqueline Jorgensen

John Kelly

Gert Lemmink
Secretary 1973
Librarian 1971, 1972

Jim Levandowski
Vice President 1991, 1992
Librarian 1991, 1993, 1994

Lois Mersing

William Mersing

Maddy Merwin

Dorothy Myjak

Eldon Potter
President 1975, 1976, 1993, 1994, 1995
Vice-President 1980, 1981, 1982
Board Member 1973, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 2001, 2002

John Potter

Joyce Potter
Secretary 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1991, 1992, 1904, 1905
Librarian 1973

Marge Potter
Board Member 1983, 1984, 1985

Bob Quint

Glen Saunier
Board Member 1989, 1993

Peg Saunier
President 1991, 1992
Secretary 1989, 1990
Librarian 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000

Gladys Schipper
Sunshine for decades

Orville "Skip" Schipper
President 1974
Vice-President 1972, 1973, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Board Member 2010, 2011, 2012

Sheila Smith

Gordon Spalenka
President 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005
Board Member 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999

Nancy Spalenka
Vice-President 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010
Historian 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Jim Splane

Ruth Steele

Lucille Stewart

Robert Tuinstra

Jake Vandermeer
Board Member 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982

Marian Vandermeer
Secretary 1976, 1977

Bernard Vanderbuilt

Jerry Van Duine

Marve Visser

Keith Voss
Field Trip Chair 1965, 1966
Sgt. Arms 1965, 1966
Librarian 1974

Stan Way

Mary Wing

Rod Wing

Alex Zellinger

We have honored the following Lifetime Members for their years of service to the club.

Bob Beauvais

Ruth Beauvais
Librarian 1983, 1984

Eleanor Brummel

Harry Brummel
President 1977
Vice-President 1976
Board Member 1989

Jack Cramer
Original President as the club was formed in 1964-5 (W. Stuart Gauthier was the first elected President in 1965).

Marie DuPrey
Librarian 1977

Ted DuPrey
President 1969

Naida House
President 1989, 1990
Vice-President 1986, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2001
Secretary 1980, 1981, 1982, 1988
Treasurer 1995, 1996
Librarian 1978, 1979

Arlene King
Librarian 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Roger King
Board Member 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003
Field Trip 2004, 2005. 2006, 2007, 2008

Ron Kragt
Owner of the Alabastine Mine

Lois Mersing

William Mersing

Marge Potter

Eldon Potter
President 1975, 1976, 1993, 1994, 1995
Vice-President 1980, 1981, 1982
Board Member 1973, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 2001, 2002

Joyce Potter
Secretary 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1991, 1992, 1904, 1905
Librarian 1973

Marge Potter

Peg Saunier
President 1991, 1992
Secretary 1989, 1990
Librarian 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000

Dana Slaughter
Field Trip Chair 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

Gordon Spalenka
President 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005
Board Member 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999

Nancy Spalenka
Vice-President 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010
Historian 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Don Van Dyke
President 1978, 1979, 1983, 1984, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002 , 2003, 2006 , 2007, 2008, 2012 ,2013, 2014
Vice President 1977
Board Member 1991, 1992, 2015, 2016

Lois Van Dyke
Treasurer 1975, 1976
Field Trip 1986
Librarian 1981, 1982

Nancy Wolff
Show Dealer Chair 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Field Trip Chair 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club of Wyoming, Michigan was organized on January 19, 1965, and became affiliated with the Midwest Federation in the same year. In a unique ceremony held underground on June 15, 1965, at the Gypsum Mine of the Michigan Natural Storage Company, Russell Greer presented the Midwest Charter to Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club; the first such ceremony ever held. The first officers were: President, W. Stuart Gauthier; Vice President & Program Chairman, Harold Casterline; Secretary, Norma Zellinger; Treasurer, Marie Spielmaker; Sergeant at Arms, Keith Voss; Historian, Jean Meyers; Liaison Reporter, Anna Gifford.
The new club was an active one and soon 31 members were in attendance. Very early in the history of the club demonstrations and field trips became a regular part of the club’s activities. Speakers were invited and a SWAP was held.
The first bulletin was named “The Red Skins Stone News”. The name was changed to “Indian Mounds Club News”, and finally to the present “Arrowhead News”.
The meeting place changed from Newhall Junior High School to Rogers High School to Sunset Park Church of God to Wesley Park United Methodist Church.
ROCKO was a favorite Christmas Party game even at the first Christmas Party held December 22, 1965 at Pinery Park Shelter House.
As early as May 1966 rock specimens had been donated to school and this project continued for many years.
Raffles and door prizes were an exciting part of each meeting. In September 1967 the present Indian Mounds emblem was adopted.
One professor who lectured to the club took his “fee” in rocks as a donation to his college to enhance their collection.
Twenty dollars was donated to the Rogers High School to help defray the cost of vandalism done to the school in November 1969.

In reading some old Arrowhead News, I came across this history of our logo. It was so well written that I thought our current members would appreciate learning how the stone logo was made. The article was written by Clarence Berndt in April, 1984.

From the first moment that the Indian Mounds Logo in stone was conceived as a club project, it was a real challenge. Perhaps the greatest challenge was the test of the club’s unity of spirit and cooperation. The response was amazing! From the initial unanimous vote to the date of completion on March 10, 1984, members, without exception, volunteered to supply the gem material that was needed to produce this beautiful emblem. So that some record of what transpired will exist for the present and future information, the following summary may be in order.
When the club logo, drawn to scale on white tagboard, was presented to the club, “yours truly” had some grave doubts and wondered about the reception it would receive. That night, several members eagerly volunteered to take a portion of the “paint-by- numbers” sketch and reproduce them in stone as their contribution to the effort. Barb Benjamin was first and volunteered to do both the upper and lower peninsula of our state of Michigan in Petoskey stone. And what a beautiful job she did! Next, Don Van Dyke, our president, said he would make the rock hammer of mohawkite and Kingston Lode. It turned out great! Many members, whose names became lost in the rush of volunteers, made sections of the outside and inside circles of Kona Dolomite.
It must be said here that it was agreed from the outset, that the entire project should be made of native Michigan stones. The horizon line is also made of Kona Dolomite. In one month (December), all of this work was completed. I was thrilled!
Things were shaping up! Then came the hardest decision. What about the letters? I thought about mohawkite but the price seemed prohibitive. No fears! The next day, Clara and Harold Casterline called to volunteer the donation of all the material needed to make the letters! What a blessing! Now came the challenge to cut these letters. No place to go but to the president! He knows all the answers. With a little persuasion, Don cut all the letters and had them back to me in a week, ready for polishing.
The hills were to be made of Kingston Lode, but in the making, one piece fractured and a substitute had to be found. A second set of hills made of Petoskey stone didn’t blend in successfully so a third set was made by yours truly of Antique Verde, becoming the final solution. Pieces were coming in every day. People were getting curious and excited. What was happening in Berndt’s basement?
Well, first of all, the base of slate, made from an old broken piece of blackboard from an old Michigan school house, had to be cut into a 13 ½ inch circle. Have you ever cut slate? This is a dusty job and on a cold January day it had to be done indoors. What a dirty mess. Dust all over—and the Rock Club was coming for a basement tour! Wow!
Well, the assembling began. Piece by piece, the circle developed. Then the inner circle. Things fit very well! The letters were glued on, the hills were put in place, Michigan took its rightful place and the rock hammer completed the picture. Day by day, my anxious fears subsided. It really was going to happen! All that was left was to fill in the area around the letters and the sky and lakes. Ground gypsum, pure white, solved the problem around the letters. This was easy-- -sort of! But where do you find a blue stone for the sky? Nobody knew. Repeated phone calls brought no results. In desperation, I soaked some ground gypsum in Comet cleanser overnight to see if it would turn blue—it turned green!
Imagine! Horrors! Then I bought blue “Rit” and let it soak overnight. The color was awful. Next came oil paint—no! Then common school water colors—and it worked!!! So, that’s what it is, water-colored dyed gypsum. A first! It still took lots of experimentation to get this to stick, but the results really were good.
So now you know the rest of the story. Thanks to all of you for your cooperation, your helpful suggestions, donations of material and your unanimous vote of confidence in the beginning and you approval not that the mob’s done.
Thanks to one and all!
Clarence Berndt


Anne and Ernie Gifford owned The Agate Tree Rock Shop which was housed in their basement.
The following decided to have a club and meet in their house.
Jack & Betty Cramer
Harold & Clara Casterline
Durwood Duprey
Ted & Marie Duprey
W. Stuart Gauthier
Anna & Ernie Gifford
Jean & Jake Meyers
Len & Shirley Jurries
Gene & Virginia Kort
Eldon & Joyce Potter
Marie Spielmaker
Ruth Steele
Curley Voss
Keith Voss
Alex Zellinger
Norma Zellinger


Curley Voss polished Petoskey stones and sent one to Roy Rogers. In 1972 Curley was requested by the Midwest Federation to make the Petoskey Stone Cabochon that will represent Michigan at the American Federation’s 25 th Anniversary.
There was a contest for the original logo. Jack Cramer designed and won. A Petoskey stone was on the patch near the handle of the rock hammer.
The first club bulletin was named “The Red Skin Stone News”. The September 1971 club bulletin was sent out under the name of “Stone News” and at the September meeting the name was changed to “Indian Mounds Rock Club News”. Finally it was changed to “Arrowhead News.”
After meeting in homes for some time, the club met at Newhall Junior High School. Then it moved to Rogers High School. September 1970 was the first meeting at the Sunset Park Church of God. In January 1997 the meeting place changed to Wesley Park UMC. In May 2017 the meeting place was changed to Blandford Nature Center.
January 1982, the club storage cabinet, which is now houses our club library, was obtained.
December 29, 1983 a plan to establish a “Cookie Corner” to be published in take Arrow Head News was discussed. At each meeting members will sign up to bring cookies and be hostesses for the next meeting. These names were to be published in the Arrowhead News each month.
The first Gem and Mineral Show was held March 30 and 31, 1976, at Eastbrook Mall. The show was moved to the Breton Village Mall for the 2001 and 2002 shows. In April, 2003 the location was changed to Rogers Plaza.


Notes and Pictures from 1979-1982
Publicity Posters for Gem & Mineral Show
Silent Auction
Summer Super Sale
Newspaper Articles
Names in Memorial Plaque
Banquet Programs
Club Members Profiles
Club News

Awards and Certificates
January 1987 – January 1993
Pages from Arrowhead News were cut out and mounted for this book

April 24, 1965
Recognition of 500% Contribution to the AFMS Scholarship Foundation
Ed Benjamin
MWF Bulletin Editors Contest
First Place
Large Bulletins

American Federation Information 1965-1979
Indian Mounds Bylaws
Indian Mounds Guest Book 1970-1981
Midwest Federation Newsletters 1966-1087
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1965-1983
IMRMC & G.R. Mineral Society Rock Swap 1970
Secretary’s Minutes 1970-1986, 1989-1991
Summary of IMRMC Questionnaire 9/28/82
Treasurer’s Report 1984-1985


Year         President             Vice-President                Secretary                Treasurer              Field Trip/Sgt.Arms  

1965   W. Stuart Gauthier   Harold Casterline        Norma Zellinger     Marie Spielmacher    Keith Voss

1966   W. Stuart Gauthier   Harold Casterline        Norma Zellinger     Marie Spielmacher    Keith Voss                                                                                                  

1967   Norma Zellinger                                                                                 Virginia Kort

1968   Norma Zellinger                                                                                 Virginia Kort

1969   Ted Duprey     

1970   Len Jurries                                                 Gerry Norman                Harold Casterline    Shirley Jurries           

1971   John Watrous         Don Kinsey               Sheila Smith                    Anna Gifford           Dick Lemmink

1972   Don Kinsey              Orv. Schippers        Sheila Smith                    Anna Gifford          Dick Lemmink

1973   Leonard Jurries     Orv. Schippers         Gertrude Lemmink         Shelia Smith           Bob Bieszka

1974   Orv. Schippers       Eldon Potter           Joyce Potter                     Dick Lemmink         Bob Bieszka

1975   Eldon Potter          Bob Beauvais           Joyce Potter                    Lois Van Dyke         Art Ferguson

1976   Eldon Potter          Harry Brummel       Marian Vander Meer     Lois Van Dyke         Bob Bieszka

1977   Harry Brummel     Don Van Dyke         Marian Vander Meer     Len Jurries             Nancy Ammerman

1978   Don Van Dyke       Art Ferguson           Joyce Potter                    Leon House             Nancy Ammerman

1979   Don Van Dyke       Art Ferguson          Joyce Potter                     Leon House             Nancy Ammerman

1980   Art Ferguson         Eldon Potter           Naida House                    Tom Cooper            Lou VanderVliet

1981   Bob Beauvais        Eldon Potter           Naida House                    Barb Benjamin        John Kuipers

1982   Bob Beauvais        Eldon Potter           Naida House                    Barb Benjamin        John Kuipers

1983   Don Van Dyke       Barb Benjamin       Mary Reveal                    Merilyn Elerick        Grace VanderBilt

1984   Don Van Dyke       Barb Benjamin       Mary Reveal                    Merilyn Elerick        Grace VanderBilt                                                                                                       

1985   Barb Benjamin      John Kuipers           Jeanette Somers            Lois Shaltis               Randy Bursley

1986   Barb Benjamin      Naida House           Mary Reveal                    Kitch Tassell            Lois Van Dyke


1988     John Kuipers         Kitchener Tassell           Nadia House           Barb Benjamin          Don Cuson

1989     Naida House         Kitchener Tassel            Peg Saunier             Barb Benjamin

1990     Nadia House         Doug Valentine             Peg Saunier              Lois Van Dyke

1991     Peg Saunier           Jim Levandowski          Joyce Potter            Barb Benjamin          Dana Slaughter 

1992     Peg Saunier           Jim Levandowski          Joyce Potter            Barb Benjamin          Dana Slaughter   

1993     Eldon Potter          Naida House                 Barb Benjamin        Peg Saunier                Dana Slaughter

1994     Eldon Potter          Naida House                 Barb Benjamin        Peg Saunier                Dana Slaughter

1995     Eldon Potter           John Kuipers                Bob Beauvais          Naida House              Dana Slaughter

1996     Don Van Dyke        Bill Schoonveld            Bob Beauvais          Naida House              Dana Slaughter

1997     Don Van Dyke        Bill Schoonveld            Mike Tummino       Bob Beauvais            Dana Slaughter

1998     Don Van Dyke        Roy Beck                       Mike Tummino       Barb Benjamin          Regina Al-Rabiee

1999     Roy Beck                 Naida House                 Joan Fewless           Barb Benjamin          Regina Gigowski

2000     Gordon Spalenka   Naida House                Barb Benjamin        Deb Schoonveld        Bill Schoonveld

2001     Gordon Spalenka   Naida House                Barb Benjamin        Ann Barnes

2002     Don Van Dyke        Nancy Spalenka           Barb Benjamin        Bobbie House             Nancy Wolff

2003     Don Van Dyke        Nancy Spalenka           Barb Benjamin        Bobbie House             Nancy Wolff

2004    Gordon Spalenka    Kreigh Tomaszewski           Joyce Potter            Barb Benjamin            Roger King /Nancy Wolff

2005    Gordon Spalenka    Dave Root                     Joyce Potter            Barb Benjamin            Roger King/Nancy Wolff

2006    Don Van Dyke          Dave Root                    Brenda Van Dyke    Barb Benjamin            Roger King/Nancy Wolff

2007    Don Van Dyke          Sue Holecheck            Rhonda Leep            Dave Lehker                Roger King/Nancy Wolff

2008    Don Van Dyke          Nancy Spalenka          Rhonda Leep            Dave Lehker                Roger King/Nancy Wolff

2009   Jim Elliott                   Nancy Spalenka          Rhonda Leep            Dave Lehker                Roger King/Nancy Wolff

2010   Jim Elliott                   Nancy Spalenka          Rhonda Leep            Dave Lehker                Kreigh Tomaszewski/N.Wolf

2011   Jim Elliott                   Nancy Spalenka          Rhonda Leep            Dave Lehker                Kreigh Tomaszewski/Nancy Wolff

2012   Don Van Dyke        Julia Donker                Elizabeth Howe        Dave Lehker                Kreigh Tomaszewski

2013   Don Van Dyke         Orville Schipper          Elizabeth Howe        Teri Smalley                Kreigh Tomaszewski

2014   Don Van Dyke              Orville Schipper          Karen Keshner          Teri Smalley               Kreigh Tomaszewski

2015   Kreigh Tomaszewski    Orville Schipper         Karen Keshner          Teri Smalley               Kreigh Tomaszewski

2016   Kreigh Tomaszewski    Orville Schipper        Karen Keshner          Teri Smalley               Kreigh Tomaszewski

2017   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Karen Keshner           Teri Smalley               Kreigh Tomaszewski

2018   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Karen Keshner            Jill Smith                    Kreigh Tomaszewski

2019   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Karen Keshner            Jill Smith                    Kreigh Tomaszewski

2020   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Cindy Weingate            Dawn Tallent                    Kreigh Tomaszewski

2021   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Cindy Weingate            Kreigh Tomaszewski, acting                    Kreigh Tomaszewski

2022   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Ann Kaiser            Dave Root                    Jack Cooley

2023   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Ann Kaiser            Kreigh Tomaszewski                    Jack Cooley

2024   Kreigh Tomaszewski     Dave Lehker             Ann Kaiser            Scott Walton                    Chuck Parks





YEAR        LIBRARIAN                    BOARD MEMBER             BOARD MEMBER            BOARD MEMBER






1970       Mable Watrous

1971       Gert Lemmink

1972       Gert Lemmink               Janet Clifton                      John Joldersma

1973       Joyce Potter                  Dick Lemmink                    Eldon Potter

1974       Curley Voss                    Barb Bieszka                      Dora Hurd

1975       Gladys Schipper            Ken Jones                           Dick Lemmink  

1976       Gladys Schipper            Jake Vandeer Meer           Bill Ammerman       

1977       Marie Duprey                Jake Vander Meer             Bill Ammerman

1978       Naida House                  Bob Beauvais                     Tom Cooper   

1979       Naida House                  Bob Beauvais                     Tom Cooper

1980       Thekla Berndt                Dick Jorgenson                  Don VanderVliet

1981       Lois Van Dyke                Leon House                        Jake Vander Meer

1982       Lois Van Dyke                Leon House                        Jake VanderMeer

1983       Ruth Beauvais               Marge Potter                      Kitch Tassell

1984       Ruth Beauvais               Marge Potter                      Kitch Tassell

1985       Evelyn Palumbo            Marge Potter                     Bob Shaltis

1986       Barb Stoliecki                 Eldon Potter                       Merilyn Elerick

1987       C. & T. Berndt                Eldon Potter                       Randy Bursley  

1988       C. & T. Berndt                John Tagett                       Randy Bursley

1989       Merilyn Elerick              Glen Saunier                     Harry Brummel

1991       Jim Levandowski           Don Van Dyke                   Eldon Potter

1992      Lois Van Dyke                 Don Van Dyke                   Eldon Potter

1993      John Levandowski        Glen Saunier                       Roger King

1994      John Levandowski        Ed Krzeminski                     Roger King

1995      P.Saunier/A.King          Gordon Spalenka               Pete Boogaart

1996      P.Saunier/A.King          Gordon Spalenka               Bob Larkin

1997      Arlene King                    Pete Boogaart                    Bob Larkin

1998      Dana Slaughter             Gordon Spalenka               Cliff Lynnes

1999      Peg Saunier                   Gordon Spalenka               Cliff Lynnes

2000      P.Saunier/L.Ling            Doug Bosin                         Regina Gigowski

2001      Arlene King                    John Greyzck                      Eldon Potter

2002      Arlene King                    Roger King                          Eldon Potter

2003      Arlene King                    Roger King                          Bill Schoonveld

2004      Arlene King                    John Kuipers                      Bill Schoonveld

2005      Arlene King                    John Kuipers                      Ed Krzeminski

2006      Arlene King                   Ed Krzeminski                     Sue Holecheck                   Nick Van Dyke

2007      Arlene King                   Ed Krzeminski                     Jim Elliott                            Nick Van Dyke

2008      Arlene King                   Ed Krzeminski                     Jim Elliott                            Nick Van Dyke

2009      Arlene King                   Ed Krzeminski                    Donna Griseto                     Nick Van Dyke

2010      Donna Griseto              Ed Krzeminski                    Orville Schipper                  Bob Beauvais

2011      R. & A. Westover         Bryan Brewer                     Orville Schipper                  Bob Beauvais

2012      Doug Howe                   Bryan Brewer                     Orville Schipper                  Bob Beauvais

2013      Doug Howe                   Karen Keshner                   Kris Williams                        Bob Beauvais

2014      Doug Howe                   Bryan Brewer                      Larry Larkin                         Dave Hewitt

2015      Dave Hewitt                  Bryan Brewer                      Dave Lehker                       Larry Larkin

2016                                              Bill Burt                                Dave Lehker                        Larry Larkin

2017      Jill Smith                        Bill Burt                                 Anne Cole                           Larry Larkin

2018      Jill Smith                        Bill Burt                                 Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2019      Jill Smith                        Bill Burt                                 Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2020      Jill Smith                        Bill Burt                                 Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2021      Jill Smith                        Lois Hecksel                             Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2022      Jill Smith                        Lois Hecksel                             Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2023      Jill Smith                        Lois Hecksel                             Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin

2024      Jill Smith                        Peter Ross                             Jim Elliott                            Larry Larkin


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